Art Trip Along the River - Normandin River

1 275,00 $

Treat yourself to a 5-day expedition. Combine your love for canoe camping with art under the guidance of our wonderful guest illustrator, Florence Rivest. Join us for a week of creation inspired by the beauty of the Ashuapmushuan Wildlife Reserve in the midst of raw nature. Enjoy cooking meals over a fire and sleeping under the stars in the comfort of your tent. It's an opportunity to return with eyes and sketchbook full of magnificent landscapes!

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Our Guest - Florence Rivest

Illustrator and professional artist, Florence is a full-time lover of the great outdoors. Her work is inspired by the territories and natural spaces she visits to ground herself. Since 2020, she has been leading outdoor art workshops and expeditions where the undisguised goal is the pleasure of taking time.

Erre, it's the collision of two great passions: I named art and the outdoors. In the form of workshops in urban parks, nature expeditions, or even weekends in shelters, it's a beautiful pretext to stop for a moment and catch one's breath (creatively).

Because the world of the outdoors and that of art can seem inaccessible and/or reserved for a certain type of person, the goal is to bring whoever wants to come into a space where they will be encouraged to have fun, without the pressure of performance. The workshops cover different mediums and subjects, but the goal remains the same: to create in pleasure and appreciate the chance we have to live in such a beautiful territory as Quebec.


July 21 to 26 2024

July 21

4:00 PM Group meeting near Chambord/St-Félicien, camping overnight, equipment check, group dinner

July 22

Transfer to the launch site, paddle techniques, art workshop, canoe travel to the first campsite, cooking and evening around the fire

July 23 to 25

Days alternating between understanding rapids, river reading, spontaneous art workshops, swimming, and moments of introspection and group activities

July 26

Paddle to the river exit, closing activity, end of trip scheduled around 3 PM

The Normandin River is a gem of the Ashuapmushuan Wildlife Reserve, flowing into the river of the same name. Its route alternating between lakes and rapids allows you to familiarize yourself with your boat and offers interesting challenges for both beginners and intermediate paddlers.


  • Campsite and reservations

  • Qualified guides

  • Canoe and water equipment

  • Group equipment and kitchen supplies

  • Delicious menu for the duration of the stay, snacks, and beverages

  • Tents

  • 1 personal barrel per participant

  • Various creative mediums (paint, brushes...)