Yoga & Meditation Canoe Trip


About the Trip

Treat yourself to a 4-day getaway. Blend your love of canoe camping with Yoga & Meditation led by our wonderful guest, Anj Merriam. Join us for a rejuvenating weekend of practice while embodying your surroundings with Mother Nature. Enjoy cooking meals on a fire and sleep under the stars in the comfort of your tent. Sharing an experience with your community and reconnecting with yourself.

Our Guest:

Anj Merriam

Anj is enthusiastic yet grounded, courageous yet careful. She has over fifteen years of yoga, facilitation and education experience, mainly through work in grassroots environmental campaigning and academia. She is a certified yoga teacher and has taught yoga and Nonviolent Communication (NVC) for several years. She is passionate about yoga not just as exercise but as a way to expand awareness and connection to self, others and nature.

Find more of her work here 


01- June 30th to July 3rd 2023

02- Aug 18th to 21st 2023


Poisson Blanc


4 day expedition

Level of difficulty:

Beginner Flatwater

Designed for:





$975 + taxes
(see what price includes below)

Book Your Trip

 Be part of the team

We use canoe tripping as a vessel to get out into the wilderness and take time to challenge ourselves, reflect and create meaningful connections. We want these trips to be a safe place for you to push your limits, and learn some valuable outdoor skills.

These are instructional expeditions which means we would love your participation and enthusiasm in joining us with the daily tasks of being on trip. 

Our goal is that you return home with a sense of accomplishment and many new skills that allow you to feel comfortable, responsible and empowered by the beautiful outdoors.

Alana Hennessy

Alana Hennessy { Freelance Graphic & Web Designer }

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