Nature Inspired Art - Canoe Trip


About the Trip

Treat yourself to a 3-day getaway. Blend your love of canoe camping with illustration and art led by our wonderful guest, Florence Rivest with Erre. Join us for a weekend of expression and creation while pulling inspiration from the natural surroundings of Poisson Blanc. Enjoy cooking meals on a fire and sleep under the stars in the comfort of your tent. The world is your canvas, here is your opportunity to pick up your paint brush.

Our Guest:

Florence Rivest

An illustrator and artist by profession, Florence is a full-time lover of the great outdoors. Her work is inspired by the territory and natural spaces she visits to anchor herself. Since 2020, she has been leading outdoor art workshops and expeditions where the undisguised objective is the pleasure of taking time.

What is Erre?

Erre is the collaboration of two passions: art and the outdoors. Whether it’s a workshop in urban parks, a nature expedition or a weekend in a cabin, these are precious moments to slow down and catch your (creative) breath.

We recognize that both the worlds of art and the outdoors can be difficult to access for some. With this in mind, we aim to welcome all who are willing, and make a space where they will be encouraged to have fun, without the pressure to perform. The workshops cover different mediums and subjects, but the objective remains the same: to have fun creating, and to appreciate how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful province like Quebec. 


August 18th - 20th 2023


Poisson Blanc


3 day expedition

Level of difficulty:

Beginner Flatwater

Designed for:





$750 + taxes
(see what price includes below)

What to expect from the Nature Inspired Art Canoe Trip?


9:30 a.m. Meet participants at Poisson Blanc reception, check personal equipment, ice-breaking activity, familiarize yourself with the canoe.

Canoe to the campsite for the weekend, set up camp and prepare dinner.


3 art workshops throughout the day, water exploration, swimming, group meals around a fire and evening activities.


Last lunch together at camp, camp closing, art workshop.

Return to Parc Régional reception area

4:30 pm End of expedition

Book Your Trip

 Be part of the team

We use canoe tripping as a vessel to get out into the wilderness and take time to challenge ourselves, reflect and create meaningful connections. We want these trips to be a safe place for you to push your limits, and learn some valuable outdoor skills.

These are instructional expeditions which means we would love your participation and enthusiasm in joining us with the daily tasks of being on trip. 

Our goal is that you return home with a sense of accomplishment and many new skills that allow you to feel comfortable, responsible and empowered by the beautiful outdoors.

Alana Hennessy

Alana Hennessy { Freelance Graphic & Web Designer }

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